Monday, May 21, 2007 save the forest of tabel mountain cape town

What many predicted and what many others didn't believe possible.
SANparks, the almighty,- have taken control of pretty much the best parts of our lives in cape town. If you are a nature lover, - that is Table Mountain park. In Cape Town we are disliking them more by the day!

I am a very hard core nature conservationist and I love animals and outdoors and wildlife.
I am not an anti-alien fanatic. We are all well aware that alien invaders have to be stopped and are doing tremendous damage here. But Sanparks is using this whole anti alien thing to turn "clear" table mountain of everything!
Its rubbish.
They are taking out magnificent old oak and shade trees of non invasive pine that were priceless to outdoor lovers baking in the sun.

ITS ALL ON Coolforests and Parkscape

In summary,- I surprise myself by my new dislike and distrust of SANparks now.
The great outdoors is what I live for. Mountain biking in the mountain and going up into the hills with my dogs and loving it.

Less that 2% of our mountain are forests, plantation forests that are loved by the people of cape town. There are very very few big trees in the cape.
They are clearing the forests. To get rid of aliens. cash in on the loot of the wood. And drown us in FYNBOS. Its got its own beauty. But personally I am a tree person. I like Fynbos, I like all outdoors, - but to have everything Fynbos and no more trees.... very GRIM!


Gammav said...

Go for it Coolforests !!!!!

Stand up to big organisations that disregard democracy and mislead the public.

Golden Trophy to SANParks for their selfish winner takes all attitude regarding the Table Mountain Plantations.

Anonymous said...

A Reply to Tony Weavers Cape Times Outburst. 15 JUNE 07

The Plantations are a threat to the entire TMNP
You sure take an extraordinarily undemocratic stance
regarding the Plantations.

You are awarded the GOLDEN TROPHY for intolerance.

The fact that the stupid, ignorant, emotional public
do not understand the issue even yet. Is the fault of
both DWAF and SANParks for not following the proper
democratic procedures in this issue.

Strangely enough a huge amount of bad press for
SANParks could have been avoided if they had placed an
explanatory double spread in the newspapers in 2004
explaining this new order for the TMNP. Instead of
trying to fly this unpopular plan under the public

Thank goodness people with your extreme viewpoint are
outnumbered 1000 to one.

Do you actually hike on Table Mountain??

There is room for reasonable compromise in this issue.

If you took the time to just take a breath and read
some of the articles that the people who are able to
debate the issue at a higher level are trying to say
you might become less fanatical. Although I doubt it.
Have a look at the Parkscape website, it might help
you understand some other interesting viewpoints.

I for one do not blame SANParks entirely they
inherited the decision by DWAF to remove the
TMNP information to the public has been misleading
regarding the Plantations, and that does not help

Your outburst really makes me strengthen my resolve to
fight for a reasonable public compromise in this

Anonymous said...

Have you seen - its now Yellow woods and Oak trees also bein killed in cape town?

Markwild said...

Less than about 1% is now shaded forests.
Table Mountain is also a peoples park - for the people of cape town. Its not just a bio-reserve.

We are talking about less than 1.5% of the park.
Come on!

Anonymous said...

Look at the big beautiful trees in older citys where they care for them like gold! Fynbos is horrible if its everywhere.
There should 10% forests - the rest Fynbos. 90% Fynbos is plenty!